Thursday, April 16, 2015

Causes of sudden pimple burst on the face

Face Pimples and the main causes : 

Everyday Medicine is finding many discoveries and cutting-edge treatments for many of the diseases , so we figure out that many of our beliefs were certainly wrong ,for example, from a long time we think that pimples are the cause of Tension and turmoil in Hormones, but what the experts confirmed that it has to do with a certain map that divides the face into a number of areas, each area reflects a specific internal health issues .
though this face map was created a while ago, it was developed by one of the skin institutions and had a lot of publicity lately, and become reliable in solving the annoying problems of the face from acne to pimples.
according to this mapping, the face is divided by 14 areas, each of which is connected with internal body parts,and when the pimples appear in one of those areas, you can automatically presume something is wrong with the related internal reasons,

leaving you with the face map and the reasons : 

Zones 1 & 3 (The Forehead) :

sudden breakout in these areas (the Forehead) means that there is a problem in the digestive system or the bladder,where these systems declare their disapproval for the high fat food and for the fast food you are eating by making pimples show on  the forehead  (1&3 Zones) .Solution : the doctors advice you to reduce your fat consumption,eat whole grains,drink a lot of water and green tea to make the digestion better and keep the skin moisturized.  

Zone 2 (Glabella) : 

Sudden breakout in the the area between your eyebrows scientifically means "Non-uniformity of the liver",like if you have a certain allergy for some food it'll appear between your eyebrows.
Solution :You have to watch your diet carefully and get away from the processed and unhealthy food and do some cardio exercises. 

Zone 4 & 10 (The Ears):

The skin of the ears is so sensitive and usually it's  related to the kidney , so if you notice there is some hotness or infection or even a pimple on your ear it means there is a high pressure on your kidneys.
Solution : it's advised to drink a lot of water and avoid caffeine-rich drinks like coffee.

Zone 6 & 8 (around the eyes):

the appearing of pimples or infections in the areas around the eyes is mainly related to problems in the kidneys system (Urinary System) and the Self-purification of the body process.
Solution : drink at least 8 cups of water because water will work as a purifier removing Toxins from your body.

Zone 7 (Nose and mustache):

Everything related to your Heart, it's symptoms will show in the areas of the nose and mustache,so if you notice ant kind of redness, pimples or any kind of skin problem in this area you have to make sure that your blood pressure is regular.
Solution : it's advised to eat the healthy Omega 3 fat foods and vitamin B and to reduce the consumption of red meat which is the main reason of alot of heart and blood-vessels related problems.
from the other side you need to monitor your nose skin state and make sure that the skin pores are not closed and free from blackheads.

Zone 5 & 9 (Cheeks):

burst of pimples on the cheeks is related to respiratory system problems,that's why you can notice that Smokers and the people who have chest allergic diseases are the most exposed to cheeks pimples.
Solution : if you were not a Smoker and don't have an allergy, make sure to eat healthy food and keep away from fast-food because that could be another reason for cheeks pimples.

Zone 11 & 13 :

The appearance of pimples on the border of the jaw and the bottom of the cheek  to sudden Hormonal changes in the body, such as those that occur to women during the menstrual cycle, and it also appears in cases of major dental surgeries and poor dental health care. 
Solution : getting plenty of calcium and taking care of dental hygiene of the mouth and teeth and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Zone 12 (Chin) :

Pimples burst and abnormal growth of hair on the chin area indicates the presence of hormonal imbalance in the body and is usually due to high pressure.
Chin pimples and infections may also appear in the premenstrual period due to the hormonal changes in the body or due to poor diet or an allergy to a specific kind of Food.

Zone 14 (Neck) :

Neck pimples may be the indicator that your body is fighting bacteria and the exotic objects located inside of it to build a resistance to diseases.
Solution : practice relaxation and deep breathing exercises will help to hide pimples in this area.
Make sure to take a good care of the neck skin and give her a proper moisture like the face and hands. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 Natural ways to completely remove Blackheads , whiteheads , pimples and wrinkles !!!!!!

blackhead  is a yellow or blackish bump or plug on the skin .
A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris . Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct ( the inner skin ) . The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland), which darkens as it oxidizes. Clogged hair follicles, where blackheads often occur, reflect light irregularly to produce a blackhead's "black" hue.
For this reason, the blockage might not necessarily look black when extracted from the pore, but may have a more yellow-brown color as a result of its melanin content.

Below are some ways to fight them :

1 - Honey

Honey is really good for your skin. you need to warm some honey and then apply it on the affected area for about 10-15  minutes and then wash it with water , your skin will benefit a lot out of this (Trust me on that ) .
Honey will perform as a natural peel to your blackhead affected skin. Besides removing blackheads, it will also make your skin look better .
Honey is a well known as a method of removing blackheads from the skin.

2 - Lemon Juice

Lemon  is another gift  from  nature to have clear and shiny skin.
Squeeze half a lemon for it's juice, then put on the Blackheads areas , Repeat this 2-3 times a day .
It will clear your skin of blackheads by tightening your pores and making your skin less vulnerable to blackheads . 
 Or , you can blend crushed drumstick pods and leaves with lemon juice to make the paste

3 - Potatoes 

This one actually works against your pimples, whiteheads , wrinkles and blackheads !

Just grate one potato and apply it directly on the infected area. It is just that simple !

Grated raw potatoes can be used to cure all kinds of skin issues like pimples, wrinkles, whiteheads and blackheads.

4 - Baking Soda & Water 

 This is a blackhead extraction method.
By mixing the same amount of baking soda and water, make a mixture and rub around the infected area  for a few minutes. Now wash it off with warm water and some of your blackheads would be removed .

5 - Fenugreek 

Fenugreek is a strong anti blackhead herb .
To heal blackheads smash some fenugreeks leaves and create a paste with water , Put some of it on the affected area , let's say your face , for around 10 minutes , then remove it with warm water ( not too hot ) .
 This will certainley stop blackhead from growing .
For brighter skin and free from Blackheads , you can use this paste every night before going to  bed .
All of the Natural beauty experts says this is one of the most powerful anti-blackhead herbs .

6 - Coriander Leaves 

Another easy thing to apply before bed for Blackheads .
Make a mixture of 1 tea spoon of coriander leaves juice and half tea spoon of turmeric powder before going to bed , when you wake up  wash it with cold water , not only your Blackheads will be reduced , your skin also will  improve .

7 - Curd 

Make a mix of 1 teaspoon of curd and rice flour to make a paste out of them . Apply  the paste on the Blackhead affected area. And wash your face with cold water .

8 - Epsom salt and iodine

Make a mixture from Epsom salt , iodine and warm water , bring a cotton towel and soak it in the mixture then apply it on your skin , it will loose the Blackheads , then use a green tea scrub ( or any efficient scrub ) to remove the Blackheads .

9 - Glycerin soap , fuller's earth, and almond powder

Put in the exact ratio of 2:1:4, , glycerin soap , fuller's earth and almond powder in warm water to make a smooth paste , now apply it on your Blackheads , keep it for about 10 minutes then wash it off with water .

10 - Rose & Oatmeal Mask

Make a Natural mask by mixing oatmeal powder with rose water and apply it on your blackhead skin area , keep it for about 15 minutes then wash it with cold water .
This is a proven way to cure blackheads and turns out that it prevents blackheads from appearing in the future as well .

Some Useful Advices You Should do to keep out from Blackheads and have a really clear skin :

1 - Wash your face twice a day using sorbitol or glycerin soap such  as neutrogena (This should leave your      face oil free ) .
2 - Wash your face using warm or cool water ( Don’t use hot water )
3 - Always make sure that your pillow and towel are clean .
4 - Drink 8 glasses of water a day ( it helps the skin ) . 
5 - Use hypo-allergenic brand for makeup ( for girls only ) . 
6 - Eat healthy foods such as veggies , fruits ,whole wheat foods and nuts .
7 - Avoid oily foods such as fast foods and junk foods . 
8 - For more advanced conditions you can always consult a skin doctor or just find the perfect  product  (  However I always prefer the natural way )